Friday, August 23, 2013


Friday is probably my favorite day of the week. Yes, I still have to go to work, but...the weekend is just around the corner and that usually means plenty of time in my studio if I choose!

On the agenda for this weekend:

#1 - Finish bagging & pricing cards for sale at work. (I keep a box in my office that are for sale & have a couple of regular customers).

#2 - Finish cutting & assembling the 54 Christmas cards I've started cutting pieces for last week...I've been waiting on a punch to arrive before I continue cutting pieces...can't wait to see the finished product! (Most of these will be the cards I send out this year, the others will be for sale).

#3 - Photograph finished cards for blog!

I think that's enough for me to focus on this week. I've really been trying to finish up cards that were started & stalled for one reason or another. I have 2 drawers full of "in progress" stuff. It feels so good every time I complete one of those and get to move on to something else. There are so many new products I'd love to be creating with, but seeing those unfinished projects always makes me feel bad, so it's long overdue for them to get done & get gone! Also, a crafty friend will be joining me on Sunday that will be fun to have some company!

What crafty goodness do you have planned for this weekend? Do you sell your creations? I'm always interested in hearing what y'all are up to, please leave me a comment with your crafty plans! :)

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