Friday, October 25, 2013

TGIF...and big plans for the weekend.

So, it's Friday...and we all know how I feel about that!

On the agenda this nephew will be staying with me and I've compiled a list of projects he can do for me which will be SO helpful. His help will allow me to spend more time in my studio to finish up those Christmas cards I've been trying to complete all month!

The weather has been beautiful here the past couple of days, so hopefully the windows will be open, chores will get done & crafty goodness will help me rejuvenate for the next work week.

What are your plans this weekend?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

How Many Days Until Christmas?

61 days.

That is all...61 days. I'm feeling the crunch already.

In about 40 days I will have company coming and staying until after Christmas. I need to get myself moving if I want to have everything ready by the time she arrives! This past month has be derailed by situations beyond my control, so I do not have all the Christmas cards completed yet...but I am even more thankful than ever that I started so early this year. It will help emensely & my new goal is now to be completely done by Veteran's Day. Totally doable.

The bigger problem is I have yet to start shopping and scarier still, I haven't started on the homemade gifts I have planned. Again, I am thankful to have a plan...I just need the time to execute that plan!

I hope the rest of you are well on your way to a stress free holiday season and no matter what, remember the REASON for the season.

Since I don't have any new creations to post, I'll offer up some old family Christmas photos for Throwback Thursday. Enjoy!

Chelsea, Maya & Olivia



My Mom & I ... 1978

Chelsea & My Dad ... 1993

Amy, Erica, Mom, David, Dad, Matt & Me ... 1981 (I think)

Erica, Mom, David, Matt, Dad, Me & Amy ... Early 80's

Gracellyn ... 2011 admiring her first year of decorating my tree.